DeFelsko Certified Coated Metal Plates
DeFelsko Certified Coated Metal Plates

DeFelsko Certified Coated Metal Plates
Used to verify the accuracy and operation of any Type 1 (mechanical) and Type 2 (electronic) magnetic, eddy-current or ultrasonic coating thickness gage
Manufacturer: DeFelsko
The Certified Coated Metal Plate is ideal for verifying the accuracy and operation of coating thickness gages and are an important component in fulfilling both ISO and in-house quality control requirements. Many organizations require verification of gage accuracy at the test site each time a coating thickness gage is put into service and at frequent intervals during use. Ideal for this purpose, certified coating thickness standards have measured values traceable to a National Metrology Institution.

Please click on the links below for additional information on the models available for this product:
Models Available Price
DeFelsko STDA1 Certified Coated Metal Plates, Epoxy on Aluminum (Non-Ferrous) for use with PosiTector 6000 N, NS, NRS, FN, FNS, FNRS, FNDS
DeFelsko STDA2 Certified Coated Metal Plates, Epoxy on Aluminum (Non-Ferrous) for use with PosiTector 6000 NAS, N0S, N45S, N90S and PosiTest DFT Combo
DeFelsko STDA3 Certified Coated Metal Plates, Epoxy on Aluminum (Non-Ferrous) for use with PosiTector 100B, 200, 200B
DeFelsko STDS1 Certified Coated Metal Plates, Epoxy on Steel (Ferrous), for use with PosiTector 6000 F, FS, FRS, FN, FNS, FNRS, FXS*, FNDS and PosiTest F & FM
DeFelsko STDS2 Certified Coated Metal Plates, Epoxy on Steel (Ferrous), for use with PosiTector 6000 F0S, F45S, F90S, F90ES and PosiTest DFT Ferrous & Combo
DeFelsko STDS3 Certified Coated Metal Plates, Epoxy on Steel (Ferrous), for use with PosiTest G & GM and PosiPen A, B & C
DeFelsko STDS4 Certified Coated Metal Plates, Epoxy on Steel (Ferrous), for use with PosiTector 6000 FXS* (*PosiTector FXS probes with a range of 0-1500 um (0-60 mils) and Serial Numbers <361485 should use the S1 Standard.)

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